Klockrent !

- "Mom, can we go now?" "Yeah, just a second" *10 minutes later* "MOM..."

- In your bed, its 6AM, you close your eyes for 5 minutes, its 7:45. At school, its 1:30, you close your eyes for 5 minutes, its 1:30

- Making faces to a stranger's baby when the parents aren't looking.

- That awkward moment when you're actually telling the truth, but you're laughing so everyone thinks you're lying.

- Standing in front of the closet full of clothes saying "I have nothing to wear!"

- That freaky moment when someone starts singing the song you were singing to yourself in your head

- "You really said that?!" "No, but I was thinking it"

- That annoying moment when my mom says no and her reason is "Because I said so"

- When your mom thinks you have an attitude but all you did was answer her question.

- That awesome moment when you say something really funny and everyone laughs, so you just sit there like a boss.

- Pressing a toy that says "TRY ME" at the store and it won't stop, so you just like awkwardly walk away like nothing happened.

- Saying "Yeah, Im on my way." When you're still at home.

- Yawning is your body's way of saying 20% of battery remaining.

- When people ask dumb question, I feel obligated to give sarcastic answers.

- Whenever my friends dislike someone, I automatically dislike them, too. 

- People keep telling me that the "right person" will come along. I think my "right person" got hit by a bus or something.

- Sunglasses: Allowing you to stare at people without getting caught. It's like facebook but in real life.

- Hiding your favorite food from the rest of your family.

- Whenever I pack for a vacation, I always feel like I'm forgetting something.

- That awkward moment when you laugh randomly because you remembered something super funny.

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